About IIHO

An Agent of Change

Serving as an objective partner for optimizing high-impact areas of health care.

Originally founded in 2004 as the Alberta Bone and Joint Health Institute (ABJHI), we help you elevate health quality and outcomes every step of the way.

Project success/highlights

Why choose IIHO?


350,000 extra hospital bed days


Saved $358 Million through improved care


12 lives saved per 1,000 bone fractures


Over 100 data sharing agreements with surgeons in Alberta

Capacity and Efficiency

Over 350,000 days of hospital bed space made available from one care path

Cost Savings

$358M value from targeting specific workflows and quality standards

Patient Outcomes

Innovative prevention programs saved 12 lives per 1,000 bone fractures

Actionable Information

Leverage 20 years of independent expertise in mapping health systems


Addressing Critical Challenges

A key challenge facing health care is the continuous need to understand and to adapt to changing patient populations and their needs, alongside new advancements in science and technology.

Working Together to Reach Better Solutions

Navigating complex relationships and collaborating with individuals, healthcare professionals, and partner organizations to advance accountability across a health system.

Leveraging Data and Technology

Using advanced data analytics and digital tools to identify trends, predict patient needs, and tailor interventions for at-risk populations.

Advancing Care Delivery

Providing tailored insights to rapidly improve healthcare processes and reduce inefficiencies. Co-designing solutions to enable systematic, personalized approaches to patient care.

Comprehensive Healthcare Solutions

Elevating Care Through Data-Driven Insights and Tailored Support

Performance and Outcomes Monitoring

Drive operational optimization with trusted quality assurance solutions

Continuous Quality Improvement

Drive operational optimization with trusted quality improvement solutions

Implementing System Change

Deliver results with in-depth implementation and change support

Need and Demand Modeling

Forecast and allocate resources across the patient journey with maximum effectiveness